Registration for the Escanaba Rally will be open from 1-3 p.m. in the Vendors Area. And while you’re thinking about the cool climes of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, visit the website: escanaba.wbcci.net and the Escanaba Facebook Page.
The Host to Host Potluck Dinner will be in the CAFETERIA at 5 p.m., not in the WVU Building, as it says in the program.
Don’t forget the Installation of International Officers at 7:30 in the WV Auditorium.
If it rains those with two (2) wheel drive are advised to wait until the rear wheels are on pavement or gravel to tighten your spring bars. This will help keep traction on your rear wheels.
This Sunday afternoon, grab a lawn chair and come by the New River Community College Campus lawn at 101 Church St. in Lewisburg for a free impromptu concert by the WBCCI Concert Band at 2:30pm. Proceeds will go toward the West Virginia Winter Music Festival’s efforts to raise money to assist musicians and music students in the light of recent events. Please stop by New River campus lawn, drop a buck or 2 in the bucket and enjoy the WBCCI once again.
PETS are needed for the July 4 Parade. Meet on the porch at 3:45. – Linda Agre
During the “Smart Apps for Smart Travelers” seminar we were asked about an app for trucks and RVs. Here’s one called “Mountain Directory” that was recommended for descriptions of mountain passes. It’s pricey for an app, but we thought we’d pass it on. An Android / Windows version is also available.
And now, today’s images from Lewisburg.